Twas an early overcast Saturday morning with rain clouds rolling as a few eager members ventured south to meet the Zook Girls Facebook group for a day of exploration of the south coast.

Meeting at Hungry Jack’s at south nowra at about 730 as we waited for the other zookers to arrive, we chatted and admired each other’s cars. The rain began to fall on and off getting quite wet, each of us resorted to retrieving umbrellas, Daniel emerges from his car with a fabulously pretty pink fairy carousel.

After many more laughs and banter in was finally time to leave the car park and head off, of course not before Daniel had a chance to turn on his new 12V oven and drive off with his tailgate down.

We headed south down past Sussex and to Twelve Mile Road and to find Granite

Falls. After a short walk we made it to the Falls which were running very well and made for a spectacular view.

Once back to the cars we ventured further along Twelve Mile Road which had become a little greasy and muddy with all the rain to George Boyd Lookout. After another short we were met with a very cloudy over cast view of the far south coast but still great to see.

The plan from there was to continue along towards Tiajara but sadly the road was closed with a locked gate due to all the recent wet weather.

With many a hungry zooker it was decided to head back to Greenwell Point to the Pelican Rocks Cafe for a tasty feast.

From here some of the zooks parted ways to travel home but a few keen drivers travelled onwards to Bendeela to where the rest of Illawarra Suzuki 4wd Club was set up to camp the night.

With some local knowledge we took the Mt Scanzi Road from North Nowra to Kangaroo Valley. A lovely little scenic drive to which we came across a causeway with what appeared to be running quite fast and deep. After some discussion and preparation Trent was the guinea pig to cross first and all went swimmingly, followed by all the others and making for a few great photos and bow waves (giving Trent a slight bath… Thanks Jon and Daniel).

Shortly after arriving at Bendeela with our new convoy in tow and a few extras to stay the night.

It was a great little day out and fantastic to be out with other great suzuki enthusiasts.

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